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Tentative de pharmakon

Tentative de pharmakon

Research and createtion 20218 - 2019

Definitionpharmacy: chemical, physical, societal, philosophical (or even spiritual) principle of finding an antidote to a situation. It can kill and/or heal.

This performance proposes to invest the field of research between a plastic practice and a choreographic practice, by integrating the notion of pharmakon into the principle of collaboration.

Reinvent the gesture of the visual artist and that of the dancer, the handling, the care, and their effects (positive and negative), within the collaboration itself. Propose a pharmakon work as a mirror effect of our societal modes of operation.

The pharmakon is both what allows us to take care of and what we must take care of, in the sense that we must pay attention to it: it is a curative power in measure and excess, and it is also a destructive power to another extent.


“This is at the same time what characterizes pharmacology which attempts to apprehend danger and what saves through the same gesture.”

Bernard Stiegler.


The notion of pharmakon that we work on in our research is a practice that unfolds in our respective artistic principles but which is also part of our contemporary societal context in which we live. Indirectly, this pharmakon principle refers to renewals of functioning in our societies, which are seeking, in order to prevent crises, either already present or in the making.


- August 29, 2019, In (en)acting roles performance festival

SB34 the pool, Brussels.

- Exit from residency, October 2019, CCN Roubaix.


Avec les soutiens : Galerie d’art contemporain de Noisy-le-Sec, SB34 The Pool, Ballet du Nord – CCN de Roubaix Hauts-de-France

Of the force exerted

Scenographic creation 2017

De la force exercée


What causes violence? What are its origins and its designs? What are the mechanisms of violence? What is our intimate relationship to violence? What pushes us to violence or prevents us from doing so?

De La Force Exercée explores the field of discipline, that is to say the force exerted on oneself; the idea of strengthening oneself, of cultivating oneself, to the point of destroying oneself by an excessive desire to improve, to transform oneself to become something other than oneself. Discipline is the field par excellence where we act both for ourselves and against ourselves. This is a very particular duality.

I worked with Julien Huang, bodybuilder, to develop a ritual, a score, an experience which does not leave us unscathed and which represents a personal challenge at each performance. A series of actions directed towards oneself, which mark his body and completely modify his appearance but above all the feeling he has about himself. Par extension, this practice has become a search for positive selfishness and a training in self-love. 


- November 25, 26 - Ménagerie De Verre /                     Les Inaccustomes festival - PARIS

- March 23, 2017 - Théâtre De Vanves /

         Artdanthé festival - PARIS

- March 28, 29, 2017 - Théâtre La Passerelle /                360° festival - ST BRIEUC


Coproductions : Charleroi-Danse, La Passerelle (St Brieuc / France), La Ménagerie de Verre

Avec les soutiens: ministère de la Culture – Drac Île-de-France, Dansbrabant avec le Nwe Vorst theater de Tilburg, Ateliers de Paris / CDCN Projection, Room Grand Studio

This world

This world needs everything, except additional information 

Research and createtion 20217 - 2020



What do statistics and overinformation reveal about society? This world needs everything, except additional information opens this reflection through an installation combining a video projection and a precarious construction. We explore a rural landscape where smoke screens unfold, attract the eye, making what surrounds them disappear for a few moments in favor of an intense color and a persistent trace.

Images and texts are projected, repeated, cut up, reflected, echoing the flows of information and data that surround us. In this cloud, however, a game of correspondence is established between quotes, from an interview with the mathematician Olivier Rey, and the plasticity of the smoke treated here by the video. This world needs everything, except additional information offers an aesthetic proposition to question: How do we create society? How are we ?


This collaboration was carried out in 2017 as part of the Watch This Space 9 Biennial of 50°nord during a residency at La Chambre d’eau (France). After being exhibited at the FRAC Picardie, it was reactivated at SB34-The Pool in September 2020 (supervised by the Parcours d’artiste and La nuit des galleries in Brussels).


Avec les soutiens : Biennale Watch This Space 9 de 50°nord, La Chambre d’eau, FRAC Picardie,  SB34-the Pool.

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